

This is my tenth blog post. Still living at home and it's almost April. The days honestly feel like kind of a blur. Maybe I've said this before, but school feels like just a bunch of tasks I have to get done sometimes rather than actually feeling like school. Every time I see a school bus it hits me (like a bus) that there are elementary and middle and high school kids who literally get up and sit in classes for like seven hours a day. I think if I tried to do that now it would kill me. I'm always afraid I'm supposed to be talking about school related stuff in these but I don't like to think about school, so I always just talk about something else such as how I've been living at home for a month. These entries may be repetitive and boring at times, but at least that means they're successful at reflecting my life right now. That was a really depressing sentence. I swear I've actually been doing surprisingly good, just completely burnt out with school. Blah.